microwave oven inverter P.S. revisited
On Sep 7, 1:52*am, msg wrote:
I have found some better schematics on the inverter. It looks like
modifying the power supply for amateur QRO is very plausable. Where
could I post them so anyone who wanted them would have access?
Please email me at 'msg _at_ cybertheque _dot_ org; I'd be happy
to put any data you have into a web page. *I have been pondering
building a HV SMPS for years based on PC PSU parts and have
been following threads in this N.G. on the oven PSU with interest.
Its in the mail.
I think if you had transformer from a microwave oven that a circuit
based on a PC power supply would be doable.
The panasonic uwave uses IGBTs instead of FETS or bipolars the way the
PC power supplies do. I think the use of IGBTs is a good idea given
the voltages and currents.
The uwave inverte also operates at 30Khz with the PC operates at about