QST Archive
On Sep 10, 6:54*pm, John Siegel wrote:
Interesting announcement on the ARRL web site. *They have put online an
archive of QSTs from 1915 to 2004. If you are a member you can search
for and download as a pdf any article without additional cost.
Just for fun I found the article from January 1956 that described my
first transmitter.
Cool, way cool!
I have roughly several hundred often moldy issues of QST's on my
shelves from the 40's through the 70's. Maybe the basement will smell
a little better now that I don't need them :-).
Having QEX online would be nice too... (hint, hint).
The sure way the ARRL can keep me as a member is to continue offering
this service to their members!
Tim N3QE