Any audible signals on a 40 Hz AM radio?
What would be heard on a 40 Hz AM DX receiver that uses the most
sensitive type of magnetic loop antenna? I doubt there would be any
hissing since that artifact would involve high-frequency sounds and a
40 Hz carrier cannot transport modulation-signals higher than 40 Hz
[violation of Nyquist theorem].
I also don't think power lines would have any perceptible affect on a
40 Hz receiver. In USA, the electric power has a frequency of 60 Hz --
in Europe, its 50 Hz. Since 40 Hz is below these power frequencies, I
doubt they would cause interference on 40 Hz. If I was receiving at or
above the power frequencies, I do think there would be disturbance but
not if below.
Would any interferences from outer space be perceptible on a 40 Hz AM
receiver? Galactic noise?