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Mike wrote:
On Sep 13, 2:11?am, Telamon
The chinese music jamming all over the bands is normal at my location.
Normal being most days or nights.
That chinese opera they play is the most annoying.
You have more than one radio so tune one in and search on another and
you will find out at least several frequencies in sync with each other.
Ventura, California
Yes, when I lived out West the Chinese and Soviet regionals were
broadcasters I spent a lot of time DXing using the exact techniques
you describe, during all times of the day. Now that I'm in Kentucky,
I'm pretty much limited to a brief period around 1200 UTC and between
2100 - 0000 UTC for Far Eastern signals, like the Music Jammers.
Forgive me for reporting what must be something pretty mundane for
someone living on the West Coast.
Louisville, KY
No apologies need Mike. Do keep on posting your log reports and whatever
else interests you about the hobby.
Ventura, California