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Old September 15th 08, 01:49 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 291
Default SPECIAL: Colonel Klink Hiel Hitler!

Dr.DaviD-PhD, you remind me of those poor unfortunate ignorant souls,
oops, beings that receive all of their thoughts and information from a
single government source - The Chinese Coomunist Party.

Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation with a lifelong
mainland resident? It is like talking to a 10 year old child. That
is what you remind me of.

Colonel Kwiatkowski

A COLONEL!? LMFAO!!! Colonel as in Colonel Klink! Heil Hitler!

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, formerly of the Department of Defense,
claims that George W. Bush toppled Saddam Hussein because Hussein's
trade under the abused Oil-for-Food program was conducted in Euros,
rather than dollars. This move by Saddam, she said, could cause
"almost glacial shifts in confidence in trading on the dollar...(so)
one of the first executive orders that Bush signed in May (2003)
switched trading on Iraq's oil back to the dollar." She also
circulates Lyndon LaRouche's rhetoric to the credulous, Hate America
Left, and she carved a handy (and, no doubt, profitable) niche for
herself on the domestic left-wing, as a result.

Who is this Karen Kwiatkowski, this pundit who came seemingly out of
nowhere to elicit praise and collaboration from the elite media organs
of the Left? She first became prominent for saying what Donald
Rumsfeld's critics believed all along: that forces of appeasement in
the Department of Defense (the "non-violent lobby," as the Left would
have it) were thwarted by the nefarious forces clustered around the
Office of Special Plans, whose policies are designed only to defend

A recently retired USAF lieutenant colonel, Kwiatkowski is making a
name for herself in the media, writing for the American Conservative,
Salon,, MilitaryWeek.Com and a growing list of leftist
publications. Left-wing organs pass her off as the quintessential
"good soldier," a Pentagon staffer who was so appalled by the run-up
to Operation Iraqi Freedom that she resigned in protest. Kwiatkowski
spent her last four-and-a-half years in uniform working at the
Pentagon. Her active service closed with a stint from May 2002 through
February 2003 in the office of the Undersecretary of Defense for
Policy, Near East/South Asia and Special Plans. Kwiatkowski's
popularity shows the growing confluence between the Old Right and the
Hate America Left.

Kwiatkowski began as a columnist for, a website
devoted to the legacy of libertarian economist Murray Rothbard and
other vanity political concerns. The pairing seemed odd from the
start. Kwiatkowski deriving the bulk of her reported income by working
for the army. Her other credentials were earned working for the
federal government, yet she feels at home on a site whose intellectual
forebears have written about the dangers of large standing armies and
long to dissolve entire sectors of the government. It's strange that
someone who worked to defend foreign nations ended up on a website
with articles like "Socialism and Foreign Aid." And her parroting of
the site's claim that the current war is the work of Zionist hustlers
would seem opposed to the detachment necessary for military planning.

How far is Kwiatkowski willing to go to undo and undermine her former
colleagues at the Pentagon? A recent interview with the leftist
tabloid LA Weekly has been prominently featured at terrorist-
sympathizer site, nestled amidst headlines like
"Israeli Daily Aggression on the Palestinian people," "Occupational
Depravity American Style" and "Palestine's Dance of Life Defeats
Israel's Dance of Death."

Her interview with Marc Cooper is notable. To sum up, the self-
proclaimed "lifelong conservative" was appalled by the
"neoconservative coup" and its "relentless push for war with Iraq."
Though U.S. military operations in Iraq, like the enforcement of
Clintonian sanctions (which, the Left never tires of telling us, were
responsible for thousands of innocent Iraqi deaths) and No-Fly Zones,
continued from the end of Desert Storm, Kwiatkowski isn't concerned
about that. Rather, she complained that she had no influence over
Iraqi policy from her position as an expert on North Africa.

A good soldier would've done what she was told and handled her area of
expertise. But the ambitious Kwiatkowski had other plans. Purportedly
to preserve her sanity, she began writing "funny, short essays" and
sending them to David Hackworth's Soldiers for the Truth website. And
so a writer was born.

A look at some of Kwiatkowski's quips illuminates both the tone of the
interview and the impact of her work: "Karl Rove…I suggest building a
fire line post haste. The neo-conservative and Straussian imperialists
in this administration, for the first time perhaps, will serve
magnificently." She carped that "big-spending, war-mongering, Empire-
seeking and ultra-Nixonian secret keeper Dick Cheney is the ugly spawn
of a Party that once articulated small government." In her estimation,
Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were "fools" while the embattled Douglas Feith
was simply "foul."

She gave her interviewer, Marc Cooper, much latitude to condemn the
Pentagon that currently pays her pension. Cooper was unchallenged when
referring to Abe Shulsky of the OSP as the "overseeing monitor of the
propaganda flow"; in fact, she played into one of the Left's favorite
conspiracy theories, asserting that Shulsky "is a neoconservative…he
has that Straussian academic perspective."

When not dangling Leo Strauss before leftists, in the manner of Lyndon
LaRouche, she also pursues the War-for-Oil conspiracy. In the LA
Weekly interview, she contends George W. Bush's "elective" war may
have been waged because of the international petroleum marketing:

"The switch Saddam Hussein made in the Food for Oil [sic.] program,
from the dollar to the euro. He did this, by the way, long before
9/11, in November 2000.... If oil, a very solid commodity, is traded
on the euro, that could cause massive, almost glacial, shifts in
confidence in trading on the dollar. So one of the first executive
orders that Bush signed in May [2003] switched trading on Iraq's oil
back to the dollar."

Like the foreign policy pronouncements of so many of this writer's
former paleoconservative friends, Kwiatkowski's assertions contradict
themselves many times over. Yet Kwiatkowski's work has been cited by
dissident journalist after dissident journalist. Pat Buchanan, Jason
Vest, and Eric Alterman have been just a few of the names to take her
accounts of the prewar gamesmanship in the Pentagon as Gospel. Still,
succor from the far ends of the political spectrum doesn't buy a
journalist much credibility - only access to the mainstream press
would do that.

Happily for Kwiatkowski, such credibility was conferred upon her. The
left-liberal introduced her to its readers and embraced a
new promotional gimmick simultaneously on March 10. This was pulled
off an enthusiastic verve that would make Kwiatkowski the envy of most
virgin contributors: "Welcome, MoveOn members, to Salon! Our new
Washington bureau brings you this report from within the belly of the
Bush administration beast - an eyewitness account of how radical
ideologues hijacked the American government along the road to war in
Iraq. Salon usually requires readers to watch a short ad or subscribe
in order to view a complete article, but we thought this story was
just too important - so we're giving you full access without further

In her work for Salon, as with her work for American Conservative,
Kwiatkowski lived up to such advance billing with her unsparing look
into the "belly of the beast" and the "radical ideologues" who
"hijacked the American government." Salon readers and MoveOn members
read how pernicious was her "duty in a strange new country, observing
up close and personal a process of decision making for war not
sanctioned by the Constitution."

It is difficult to overstate the importance of a figure like
Kwiatkowski. For one, her former position in the DOD lends her
(unwarranted) credibility as an "insider." As a conservative, she
gives leftists who cite her added legitimacy. The motifs scored by
Kwiatkowski, Justin "Mossad Conspiracy" Raimondo and Pat "Whose War?"
Buchanan are toxic to our troops in harm's way; internal dissension
emboldens the terrorists and endangers the public's political support
of our troops.

But just as important in evaluating Kwiatkowski's legacy when it is
finally written is looking at her work and answering the following
question: what is she really trying to say? She advances the shared
anti-American views of Lyndon LaRouche and George Soros, claiming
opposition to U.S. "militarism" is the last bastion of true
patriotism. In other words, the terrorists are right: we have met the
enemy, and he is us.

is a friend of Lew Rockwell, who works for the Von
Mises Institute, who you frequently cite.

and works of which you have never read a single sentance.

January/February 2004 Issue LOL
You cite me an 5 year old article that has been completely debunked
long ago from a source in bed with Neo-Communist Liberal Fascists!

Mother Jones is a bimonthly magazine and website named for socialist
"union organizer" Mary Harris "Mother" Jones (1830-1930). It prides
itself on continuing her pursuit of socialist "social justice" by
doing investigative reporting that mostly targets corporations,
capitalists, private property, and Republican political officeholders.

Well-known leftist editors and writers on this magazine's masthead
include Todd Gitlin, Molly Ivins, Bill McKibben, Richard Rodriguez,
William Saletan, Orville Schell, Eric Schlosser, and Amy Wilentz.

Mother Jones began taking shape in 1974 when the Watergate scandal was
demonstrating how investigative reporting could weaken and oust a
Republican President elected by an overwhelming majority. Its genesis
was a failed attempt to save the reigning radical magazine of the day,
Ramparts. Ramparts editor David Horowitz had put together a team
consisting of labor journalist Paul Jacobs, leftist entrepreneur
Richard Parker, and leftist millionaire Adam Hochschild to take over
Ramparts from its retiring editors, Horowitz and Peter Collier. When
the trio had a falling out with Ramparts staffers, they elected to
leave and create their own magazine, which became Mother Jones.

The magazine was launched in February 1976.

Mother Jones focuses heavily on the evils of capitalism and the
alleged desirability of government control over business. On a global
level, the magazine reserves its harshest condemnations for the U.S.
and Israel, and is staunchly supportive of Marxist regimes like Fidel
Castro's Cuba.

In 1986 Mother Jones hired a young Michigan underground newspaper
founder named Michael Moore as its Editor. Five months later, Moore
was fired after he rejected an article by socialist Paul Berman, a
piece that Moore claimed was "unfairly critical" of the Sandinista
dictatorship in Nicaragua. Moore sued, claiming wrongful dismissal. He
pocketed $58,000 in an out-of-court settlement of his lawsuit, then
used the money to produce his first film documentary, "Roger and Me."

The Mother Jones magazine and website are owned by the non-profit, tax-
exempt Foundation for National Progress (FNP), a 501(c)(3) "public-
interest media organization." FNP has been supported by other left-
leaning foundations, among them the Bill Moyers-run Schumann Center
for Media and Democracy, the Arca Foundation, the Joyce Foundation,
the Streisand Foundation, the Irving Harris Foundation, Kansas City
Community Foundation, the Lannan Foundation, the David and Lucile
Packard Foundation, and the Park Foundation. In 2000, the magazine,
website and Foundation took in (from grants, donations, subscriptions,
newsstand sales, rental of its mailing lists. and advertising) nearly
$6 million. From 2002 to 2004, FNP received $410,000 in foundation