On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 19:10:28 -0700 (PDT), Art Unwin
I want to share with you one problem that I have on the above subject
When placing a yagi in free space the computor programs supply a gain
where according to my thinking the root cause for ejection is the
intersection of two magnetic field (...)
Not bad, but still a pile of garbage. Your word salad reminds me of
papers submitted by student who didn't have a clue what they were
doing and simply threw every buzzword they could remember into the
Did you use an online technobabble generator, rant-o-matic, or created
it by hand? If online, I would be interesting in the URL as I have a
business plan to re-write.
Incidentally, if you're trying to regain your equalibrium, I suggest
that lay off the booze. Also, if your antenna is performing
self-ejections, you might want to tighten the mounting clamps.
Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558