Art Unwin wrote:
John the problem as I see it is how the magnetic field is bestowed on
a unbound particle
that is not rejected by the Earth"s magnetic field but allowed to
ecape from the Sun's magnetic field
. It is this I have no explanation for
and despite all reference to garbage nobody can supply the true
creation of radiation.
More light needs to be shed on the subject of space. to determine what
one calls garbage
because of a compressed field of knoweledge where another without
those constraints see it as a treasure.
I have a strong suspicion that scientists have assigned diiferent
names based on the theory assigned to one
many of which there is no evidence of their existance
Best regards
There is actually a LOT in the few words above, it is deceptively
stated--although, perhaps, without intention; had to really think about
it a bit:
I quite agree with the fact that what you refer to as "have assigned
different names [to] ..." is/are at the center of what you speak, what
the "either is" and what the Hadron project is about to attempt to look
at, in greater detail ... indeed, it is where the "new
knowledge/discoveries" are about to emerge from (if there is any chance
that will happen--at all.)
Hopefully, this all will end up pointing at new ways to design antennas
to take advantage of "its'" (the eithers') properties. And, is an area
adjacent to, in the very least, the one you are in the process of
contemplating/imagining ...
The earths magnetic field (indeed, any static/changing magnetic field
for that matter), gravity, suns particles/emissions/etc. all depend on
the "either" you place in question; when you sprinkle iron filings on a
sheet of paper and position a magnet below--this is what you look at; I
believe it is also what is referred to as "the weak force" (or, is
intrinsically related), but talk about a misnomer!
We just spin our wheels with little progress ahead ... but then Einstein
even referred to it as, and I paraphrase, "un-comprehend-able!"
But then, perhaps some of "these things" are just shooting bullets
(particles) as some picture the "particles." One must acknowledge this,
although I have come NOT to "believe it", at this point.
We can't know until we really "know", and even then we may have yet to
"prove" it; and, therein lies the real problem(s). For now, we must
face the goons who poke fun at men and women who wonder, and dream, yet
are certain "they" know SOMETHING EXISTS THERE.
You are correct to focus your vision(s) towards the Hadron project ...
it is at least one hope of vindication! :-(
And, even if you still do not see the either as I do -- you will "come
'round!" grin