For Sale National SW3's
On Sep 16, 2:50 pm, boatanchors wrote:
I have 3 excellent National SW3's complete with tubes and coils. Have
42 coils and 18 tubes. No power supplies.
These units were bought from a collector about 15 years ago and have
been in storage since then. Moving to
South America and can't take all the "anchors". Will sell the radio
individually with some coils but not all coils
or tubes with one radio. Will not sell the coils without a radio. I
can send you some high resolution photos if
interested. Please don't ask if not really interested in buying I
don't have time to waste. Accept REASONABLE
offers for one or the lot. I have a fair idea of the market value so
please don't make a silly offer as has happened
when I advertised on a couple of other lists. Thanks. Tony W4OI
321-250-1942 anyti
If you do not want a "silly offer" then provide a price or a price
range that you are looking for. Ditto for "REASONABLE" offers. What
may be reasonable to you as a seller may not be reasonable to others
as buyers. While you may "have a fair idea of the market value",
interested buyers may not.