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Old July 29th 03, 06:12 AM
John Crighton
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 22:52:21 +0100, Paul Burridge

Have a look here

You'll have to forgive me here, John, as i'm battling with a duff
display on the computer I'm using at the moment and I was only able to
glimpse the data for a few seconds, but this chip doesn't seem to be
suitable for 40Mhz FM, does it? I'm sure your general solution to the
problem is an excellent one, though, if a suitable chip can be found.

Hello Paul,
under Features on page 1 it says 50KHz to 72 MHz
but not FM. I forgot about that. My mistake.
OK we'll keep looking for something that suits your
FM transmitter.

Or find, beg, borrow, "buy used," or build an ordinary
AM R/C transmitter. Ten quid should get you an old
style metal cased Futaba transmitter.
A model shop gave me the circuit diagram decades
ago of an old JR brand transmitter that I bought off
them in dud condition, cheap. Keep looking. That
model shop/sanwa agency are a bit mean that is why
I said dump their product.
Stick with brands that will offer support and circuits.

There is plenty of info with that LM1872 chip,
that is what makes it attractive to use.

Have Fun,
John Crighton