Hi-Q RF filters, anyone?
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July 31st 03, 11:08 PM
Paul Burridge
Posts: n/a
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 06:48:57 GMT,
(John Crighton)
My point is this. If the radio control set works OK, while just
sitting in its own cardboard box , at the noisy Venue, meaning,
the servos work nice and smooth. If you then install that same
Rx and servo set into your metal box robot and the servos
play up, that is now an " installation problem."
You cannot blame the gear.
Let's try and sort this out with some basic checks.
Using a field strength meter (which is just a simple
crystal set with a large moving coil meter as discussed
months ago, I assume you have made one already), are
both the Sanwa and Futaba transmitters producing
similar output power when compared to a known
good working transmitter? Yes or No?
Thanks again for your input, John.
I only have these two r/c model transmitters to test against
themselves. It would be a remarkable coincidence if *both* were
defective to the same degree. I can, however, confirm that they both
put out almost exactly the same power as each other. I infer from that
that there is no problem with either.
At your place, are range checks of both the Sanwa
and Futaba R/C sets, on there own, not installed
in anything, over 100 yards . Yes or No?
At your place, are range checks of both the Sanwa and
Futaba R/C sets installed in the robot or metal test box
with "no" drive motors connected still over 100 yards.
Yes or No?
At your place, are range checks of both Sanwa and
Futaba with drive motors being controlled and
running nicely, still over 100 yards. Yes or No?
Ah, well I haven't tried that one. Good suggestion. I'll do so as soon
as I have a colleague handy to assist!
At the noisy Venue, while doing a range check of less than
30 yards with all other competitors absent or their
transmitters switched off in the Tx compound, do both
your Sanwa and Futaba R/C sets play up?
Yes or no?
No one's permitted to carry out such tests at the venue. As soon as
each competitor arrives, all transmitters are immediately impounded
and only released on a book-out/book-in basis under supervision of one
of the organisers' technical bods and only then if no one else is
using that frequency elsewhere in the building at the time.
At The Venue, do other competitor's radio control
sets play up like yours Yes or No?
It's a very common problem indeed, yes.
At the Venue have you scanned the band with a
simple crystal set type radio or fancy scanner for some
******* with a transmitter who is determined to give
you, personally, a hard time?
It's a pity I sold my last spectrum analyser about the same time as I
started this lark! Big mistake, that. :-( However, I'm given to
understand the studio people have one and keep an eye open for any
such 'irregularities'.
[other valid points noted and snipped]
Things are looking very much better this time than last. I've
discovered a good many possible causes of the problems we had last
time out and have remedied all those I've found. I've also carried out
improvements suggested here by your good self and others. I'm leaving
nothing to chance this time!
If you are still having problems after all that,
sorry Paul, I give up.
So will I.
"I believe history will be kind to me, since I intend
to write it." - Winston Churchill
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