"Art Unwin" wrote in message
On Sep 26, 11:44 am, "Mike Lucas" wrote:
"Art Unwin" wrote:
I do not have any lumped constants. Maxwell's laws do not include
lumped loads only distributed loads and my antennas revolve solely
around the laws of Maxwell which being based on equilibrium
includes all four forces of the standard model
Of course you have lumped elements in your "antenna". You have
a shoebox full of wire, fashoned into contra-wound coils. Also, the
tuning device you described is a variometer, again replete with COILS.
These coils constitute "lumped constants", as you call them.
Mistakes like this show that your equilibrium is tilted.
Mike W5CHR
Memphis Tenn
-If you say so
-I am having a rethink on where to feed it aproach. Have to sleep on it
-I will keep hold of that antenna but I am working on the winter one at
-the moment
I merely used Lumped Constants as an example to describe the relationship
between Inductive and Capacitive reactance, resistance, then to go on and
show how it is differently applied to antennas and impedance. Where to feed
it is exactly the point in providing a transition between the feedline and
antenna. For example: Lumped Constants in an antenna tuner not only adjust
reactance by providing the conjugate reactance to whatever is presented at
its input terminals, but also adjusts impedance, akin to adjusting where the
current minima and maxima will be in relation to the tuner's output
terminals. There are a great many ways to physically do that, either by
linear loading, lumped constants, transmission lines, transitions,
transformers. Look into the feed methods used for Yagis.