(OT) : One-in-Ten [1:10] Americans 'Think' Barack "H" Obama is aMuslim
On Oct 3, 6:00*am, RU12? wrote:
RHF wrote:
- - One-in-Ten [1:10] Americans 'Think' Barack "H" Obama is a Muslim :
- One in ten Americans believe Professional Wrestling is real.
Closer to 1-in-7 'know' that Professional Wrestling -is- REAL ;;-)
- --
- July 7, 2004
- Congress's Risky Zero Down Payment Plan
- Will Undermine FHA's Soundness and
- Discourage Self-Reliance by Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.
- Web Memo #529
- The Zero Down Payment Act of 2004, introduced by
- Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH), would require the Federal
- Housing Administration (FHA) to offer federally
- insured mortgage loans to certain eligible households
- to buy a house without a down payment.
Right-On ! - It is the US Congress' Fault and the Lax Laws
and Federal Regulations that US Congress Passed and put
in place to GIVE Loans to People who should have never
gotten a Loan in the first place. - Thems-the-Facts-Jack !