(OT) Glen Beck joins Fox News.
Ever notice how all the wingnut media screamers are brain fried ex-
druggies and college dropouts who were dysfunctional societal misfits
in their early lives.
They couldn't run their own lives but now know all the answers to
every world problem.
He's a college dropout sot his dud will fit right in with the lame
brains at Fixed News. Gotta love how most of these big mouth know-it-
alls couldn't cut the mustard in college where just having a big mouth
and an opinion won't make the grade.
"Glenn Beck grew up in Mount Vernon, Washington, a small town about a
hundred miles from Seattle. He started on radio by winning an hour of
air time in a contest on one of the town's two radio stations. While
still in high school, he worked as a late-night and weekend disc
jockey at a different station about forty miles from Seattle, until he
was fired for missing scheduled shifts.
Beck became an alcoholic and daily drug user. His first marriage ended
in divorce, and then he kicked his addictions with help from
Alcoholics Anonymous. Now clean and sober, Beck says he still suffers
back pain from an injury incurred when, intoxicated or high, he
tumbled through a window.
Beck suffers from Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), so
his radio show is always fast-paced. Fans describe him as a good
Christian but his is really a Mormon. He says he begins and end each
day on his knees, praying for the troops and the president. Beck is
big on conservative politics and traditional family values but he has
been divorced.
In the build-up to America's 2003 war on Iraq, Beck countered anti-war
protests by using his radio show to organize dozens of pro-war rallies
across the nation, and he has promised he will never question the
cause, “no matter how unpopular this war gets."
He has described Jimmy Carter who has devoted the past twenty years to
fighting disease and poverty in the world's poorest countries as "a
waste of skin", Cindy Sheehan who lost her son in Iraq as "a pretty
big prostitute".
He's a real piece of ****, has much in common (e.g. being loud mouthed
drug addled hypocrites) with Rush the Gasbag Limbaugh. I wonder if
they have Oxycotin parties together?