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Old August 8th 03, 05:18 PM
Alex Gibson
Posts: n/a

"Paul Burridge" wrote in message =
The question seems daft, but bear with me, gentlemen. Has anyone ever
had an electric shock that they feel lucky to have survived?

One of the guys on a maintenance crew I was on in a previous job
and was doing testing with managed to get a nice 415vac 400Hz
across the chest.

Doing testing in mec relay panel the relays were in the back of the =
panel / box and
the doors are where all the circuit breakers are mounted.
remeber he made contact with the uncovered terminal of a transformer.

I was working with him as well as a few others, activating =
sensors(sticking a spanner in front etc)
and he was confirming the right voltages were being recieved to activate =
relays etc.
Just heard a loud shout over the intercom and we all went running.

He was lucky he didn't get throw by it as he could have fallen about=20
10 foot on to the tarmac.

Just stunned at the time. Had to take him for a ecg afterwards
standard precaution. No problems at the time.

But his health seemed to deteriate after that.
Maybe it triggered an existing condition.
Six months later he suffered a heart attack.

From my own experiance, rf burns hurt more than
standard 50Hz ac or dc shocks even though I would have to
rate car iginition systems a close second.
