How can this be? Amplifier for sale
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 06:10:19 -0400, "Tio Pedro"
"Kevin Dooks" wrote in message
.. .
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 21:02:30 -0400, "Tio Pedro"
What's the big deal anyway, any clod who can use a soldering iron without
doing him/herself a serious injury can BUILD an 11/10 Meter amp, all ya need
is a schematic and some $$ for parts
1: Legality
2: Spectral Purity
3: Collateral damage to other services
a. making once legal products illegal
b. unlicensed pirates on ham frequencies.
Isn't that enough?
1: Legality, hmm the 'Legality' of amps is purely an arbitrary
decision made by the (laughable) powers that (try) to be.
2: Any half-ways decently built amp, ss or tube, has reasonably clean
output provided it is properly adjusted, the driving signal is clean
and the amp isn't overdriven. I know, lots of conditions.
3: See above answer.
a. See 1 above.
b. Finally a valid point and one with which I am in COMPLETE
Buily my first ss amp at 14 from a Motorola data book 150 Wo 80 thru
10, my first tube amp from an ARRL handbook, 1983 I think. 500 Wi,
also 80 thru 10. Ya GOTTA love sweep tubes !!