August 9th 03, 01:25 AM
"Chris1" wrote in message
In article ,
The question seems daft, but bear with me, gentlemen. Has anyone ever
had an electric shock that they feel lucky to have survived?
I got 6000V from a Neon transformer once. Ouch! Only rated at 7ma, though.
The new one I got does 12000V at 15ma. I'm alot more careful now.
During my junior lab while working for a physics degree, we had to build a
gas flow geiger counter to count cosmic rays (the cosmic ray group ran the
class). The 5000 volt supply we built for the tubes had no current limiting,
so the current limits of the components was all the protection we had. I got
5000 volts to the tip of one of my fingers while working on it, it left a
nice brown spot that lasted for several weeks. That wasn't the scariest
shock event in my life, I was driving down the highway, and felt the hair
raise up on my arms. Then there was a boom and my car radio stopped working.
That was the one time that I was in a lightning event. Fortunately that was
years before I was a ham or I would have lost several more radios at the
same time.
thanks, John.