I built a 7.5VAC 21Amp transformer now it has lots of buzz
raypsi wrote:
Hey all:
I tore down a transformer I got from ebay it was a Zenith TV power
transformer from days gone by. Re wound it with 17AWG wire on the
secondary and primary. It powers up my 4-1000A filament nicely with
7.25VAC from 120VAC mains. I used a penta-filar winding on the
secondary. Shimmed the bobbin in the core window with some 1/8 thick
virgin teflon. Epoxied the windings to the bobbin. This was a 240VA
transformer and now is a 83watt buzzer / 157watt filament transformer.
So what is the cheapest I can gits away with sealing these laminations
from buzzing, I used up all my epoxy sealing the windings.
I've sealed rewound filter chokes by dipping them in a bucket of
polyurethane varnish.