Snub Rant
RNW message site actually had someone APOLOGIZE for getting mad at
them for trashing SW broadcasts to North America.
Ooooo does baby wantum botoo ??
Their survey is dubious at best. Appealing for people to E-mail them
to ask they keep broadcasting is idiotic.Scientific evidence indicates
at best only 10 % of those in a survey even bother to answer. What
other media asks anyone, if you don't reply to our survey we may cut
you off, and if result doesn't please the "bean counters" (those
plagues upon a plague") we will slavishly follow their bidding and
trash broadcasts.Your long SW schedule (RNW) can afford at least an
hour a day English broadcast to North America, if not more. I can
hardly wait for my local AM radio station to threaten me with a cutoff
(go see us on the Web) Now isn't that incomprensibly stupid ?? Well it
Ain,t going to happen either on AM, FM or Sirius or XM satellite,
certainly not where English languge programming is concerned.
BBC, DW and RNW are being big sucks crying in their beer. And I don't
want to hear any of their guff that no enough people listen to SW,
because it JUST AIN'T SO.