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Old August 9th 03, 09:11 PM
Mark Fergerson
Posts: n/a

Paul Burridge wrote:
On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 03:29:47 GMT, Eric Immel

Paul, are you asking if anyone has been killed, then revived?

That's pretty close to what I'm getting at. What I *am* actually get
at is that theoretical physicists are coming around to the rather
extraordinary view that one cannot from one's own perspective be
killed by any sudden and dramatic life event. No matter how bad the
shock, you will always 'come around' to find that you've survived. The
tricky bit is that you'll probably have found yourself in a different
reality to the one you left. In the one you've left, observers will
see your cold, dead, smoking body lying sparko on the ground. Your
relatives will grieve, your obituary will be written. But *you* won't
know anything of that. You'll just believe you've had a lucky escape;
you'll go home and tell your friends and family all about it and years
later maybe you'll tell others via the Internet.

Now that you've explained what you meant, I'll mention
that I must be on at least my fifth parallel Universe.

I told a few tales about my "teleportation experiments"
here some time back, all involving from 220VAC @ 60 Hz to a
few kV @ 400 Hz. I tend to jump rather than tear muscles
because I'm skinny, you see.

Mark L. Fergerson