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  #191   Report Post  
Old August 10th 03, 06:08 PM
Keyboard In The Wilderness
Posts: n/a

Had big time Electric Shocks -- never fatal obviously
Had big time shocks that should (could) have been fatal -- ART- 13 Dynamotor
Navy. 440 AC - steel mill, etc.
But tis the current that does you in, not the voltage.

Coupla hundred milliAmperes will do it --- URL:

Guess my Irish hide has lots of ohms!

Steel Mill Stories from the 40's (Maybe Urban Legend)

1. A lunch eater sat down and rested his head on a huge copper bus bar
(voltage unknown), someone turned on the switch, he was reduced to a
frazzled lump with a half a sandwich!

2. A careless electrician up high on an overhead crane, got across a high
voltage line and fell into one of those giant ladles that pour out the
molten steel. Not found.

Maybe the old steel mill hands -- told this to the new guys to scare the
hell out of em, Worked for me!

Lock the distribution box, take off all jewelry, keep one mitt behind you,
keep away from the chassis, -- all good advice, mostly learned the hard way.

Then there was a color TV High Voltage supply ---- oocchhh !!! A teeth
rattling experience.