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Old August 10th 03, 08:26 PM
Howard Henry Schlunder
Posts: n/a

"K Wind" wrote in message
.. .
Would 1,500VDC with 6mA capability flowing through one arm and out the

be considered lethal? At one time, I knew how much current was considered
lethal, but have forgotten.

No. It is actually quite hard to kill yourself with electrical shocks.
There are tons easier and more likely things to die from in everyday life.

60Hz AC is most dangerous in the range of 100 to 300 mA. Current in that
range sometimes causes ventricular fibrillation, whereas currents above that
usually cause the heart to temporarily contract and protect itself. Very
high currents, however, can dissipate lots of power in your organs and cook
them, leading to a painful death if nothing stops the electrocution for
several minutes. High frequency AC (like many kilohertz and beyond) should
be less dangerous since it will be bound by "skin effect" and not penetrate
as far into your chest cavity. DC is considerably safer than 60Hz AC, and
I've read some estimates saying you need 4 times as much current to die from
DC shocks. I don't know if I believe that though; I suspect there are too
few cases to draw significant statistical conclusions. As I understand it
(and I may be wrong here), DC is safer than AC because it doesn't cause
ventricular fibrillation, so death by these shocks occur from organ damage
and falling off ladders and things.

Howard Henry Schlunder

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