American Tower parts - Be prepared for GRIEF
I bought some new parts for my Rohn 25 from OldTowerGuy on Ebay,
and one was a hinged base. Well, it took me almost a day to get the
3 pins on the base into the legs in the tower. When I wrote them they
told me that Rohn had changed plants recently and they were not
keeping their dimensions up to spec. Only thing wrong with this
excuse is that this was a brand new section that had been in storage
for many years, unused (I had 3 of them). I tried to get the thing on
several new and used sections, same exact problem.
Then after using a car scissors jack and axe and baseball bat to
finally get the 3 pins into the base, he holes on one leg would not
line up, no matter what. I got bolts into holes on two legs, but the
other two were off in two dimensions. They were too far into the leg
for holes to line up, and then on the axis they were off too. It took
two of us some time with car scissors jack wedged between crossarm and
base plate to force the two holes to line up vertically, but they were
still not lined up axially. We tried all kinds of drifts,
screwdrivers, and so forth, and was about to redrill the hole, when we
were finally able to force one of the bolts through the leg, then the
last one lined up after beating it in with a baseball bat.
Luckily I decided to try to see how the hinge worked. I did notice
that even though the holes for the hinged
portsions are for 1/2 inch bolts, they shipped the thing with all 3/8"
bolts. I went to Fastners store and bought stainless 7/16" bolts to
allow for a bit of slack, and guess what? The thing is so far out of
alignment that it would not go down to flat position so you could put
two captive bolts in to hold the tower upright. The fartherst you can
get the tower down is at about a 5 or 10 degree angle.
I'm hoping they take it back but with EBAY you never know what will
happen or what you will lose.
Caveat Emptor - I'm sticking with Rohn from now on.