Governor of Hawaii seals Obama's birth certificate records. Why?
"§tarkiller©" wrote in message
On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 18:31:54 -0500, Billy Burpelson
It is 100% proof positive fact that Barack Obama is an American
There is no room for doubt. The rumor is stupid. You'd [Telamon] have
to be a
So, what's your point? ;-)
What's amazing to me is that not once in this thread(unless posted by
someone in my killfile) have I seen anyone mention that the Governer
of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, is a Republican. A Republican backer of
So why would she have Obama's birth records sealed?
Because the records contain evidence that she is Obama's older sister.
"I don't understand why you think this is funny? It's a real issue. "
Now you have really done it. The conspiracy loonies will go crazy over
this revelation!