Bob Campbell wrote:
"Billy Burpelson" wrote in message
* He united the country to put Obama in office in a *landslide*.
I wouldn't call it a "landslide". A solid majority yes, but not a
landslide. A true landslide was Reagan's 1984 win. 49 states. The
only state to go Democratic was Mondale's home state of Minnesota, which
he barely won.,_1984
Or Nixon's in 1972.,_1972
These are true landslides.
Carrying 29 states and winning by a 5% margin is not my idea of a
I was referring to the electoral votes, which as you know, is how
presidents are elected.
Obama (364) to McCain (162)*. Some would call this a landslide. Your
mileage may vary.
*Approximate figures as of 11/06/08 from: