And speaking of the National SW-3
Well that's sad. I doubt it's nylon which was invented in 1938,
maybe phenolic? Wood filled phenolic which swells... ugh!
Maybe you can rinse it with solvent then dry it out so it will
shrink back to nominal dimensions. The rest of it is constructed
of isolantite and brass which solvents won't hurt.
exray wrote in :
I pulled mine off the shelf today to dust off the cobwebs. Much to my
chagrin I found the tuning capacitor almost frozen stuck. For those
that aren't familiar with the construction of these there's a lot of
nylon? bushings involved.
I suspect lubrication may be the culprit that causes the nylon to swell
up. I was finally able to get it loose enough to where the vernier
doesn't slip although it still feels very tight.
Too late for me to avoid lubrication but I thought I'd pass this along
for the next guy.