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Old August 13th 03, 04:14 AM
Andrew R Mitz
Posts: n/a

I would agree except for RF. RF can punch a hole through tissue, leaving a burn through the path. If your
vital organ is in the path it gets cauterized. If you hit a key spot, like the AV node of the heart or
along the Bundle of His, you are in trouble.

Howard Henry Schlunder ) wrote:
: "K Wind" wrote in message
: .. .
: Would 1,500VDC with 6mA capability flowing through one arm and out the
: other
: be considered lethal? At one time, I knew how much current was considered
: lethal, but have forgotten.
: No. It is actually quite hard to kill yourself with electrical shocks.
: There are tons easier and more likely things to die from in everyday life.
: 60Hz AC is most dangerous in the range of 100 to 300 mA. Current in that
: range sometimes causes ventricular fibrillation, whereas currents above that
: usually cause the heart to temporarily contract and protect itself. Very
: high currents, however, can dissipate lots of power in your organs and cook
: them, leading to a painful death if nothing stops the electrocution for
: several minutes. High frequency AC (like many kilohertz and beyond) should
: be less dangerous since it will be bound by "skin effect" and not penetrate
: as far into your chest cavity. DC is considerably safer than 60Hz AC, and
: I've read some estimates saying you need 4 times as much current to die from
: DC shocks. I don't know if I believe that though; I suspect there are too
: few cases to draw significant statistical conclusions. As I understand it
: (and I may be wrong here), DC is safer than AC because it doesn't cause
: ventricular fibrillation, so death by these shocks occur from organ damage
: and falling off ladders and things.
: Howard Henry Schlunder
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