Smokey wrote:
I second K3HVG's assessment. MH is excellent.
Also, don't rule out grinding your own. I tried it as a novice in the
60s and it never worked. Last winter I started playing around again with
some old FT-243s. Put a few drops of water on a piece of 0000 grit emery
or sandpaper laying on top of the glass from an old picture frame and,
voila, it actually worked! I've reground about 7 crystals successfully
now. Very satisfying. But be sure to use the technique described in an
older publication like Bill Orr's Radio Handbook or even one of the
EARLY Newington books.
Good luck.
I just finished the somewhat pricey book "Crystal Clear", a tome about
the crystal industry and the Signal Corps in WWII. Its incredibly
interesting and illuminating. I now know why I had a difficult time
with home-brew crystal grinding! The thing is, I recently have seen
write-ups about the same subject, with recommendations and methods
wholly debunked by Army and crystal industry way back in 1943. Too bad
this book is so expensive. I'll have to check out Orr's handbook and
see what he said. I have a couple of DC-35's to bring up a bit....
Where is Leo Meyerson when you need him? (Hi!!!)
de K3HVG
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