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Old August 17th 03, 01:40 PM
Paul Burridge
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 22:22:56 -0400, scharkalvin

My surgery was actually 'text book', but my recovery was a little
rocky. My lungs filled with fluid and I was moved back into
intensive care a day after being put in a normal recovery room after
the surgery. I was on 100% O2 for a day or so, after they inserted a
needle in my back and drained the fluid (about a liter or two) I was
much better. I was seeing things because of the drugs I was on though.
When ever I closed my eyes I felt like I was floating in a crypt and I saw
gargoyles on the walls with red eyes. They gave me something to help
me relax and then the vision changed....I was now floating in a toy work
shop (north pole?) surrounded by dolls and wooden toys and model trains.
The visions disappeared when I was taken off the O2.

Interesting. Most people who undergo NDEs report a heavenly experience
that often changes their outlook on life everafter. However, there are
a *small* proportion of NDEs where the subjects report a truly hellish
experience very much worse than you have described. Anyway, that's not
what I was getting at, of course.
I should also point out that the theoretical physicists have not thus
far extended the Quantum Theory of Immortality to encompass anything
beyond *instant* death; the orginal example by Tegal in his Quantum
Suicide Experiment was that of being shot in the head. I don't see any
reason why it should not be so extended to more protracted deaths, and
thinking among those involved in formulating this line of argument is
heading that way, but I'm no quantum pysicist so anyone curious should
follow up the leads I gave earlier in the thread and read up for

"I believe history will be kind to me, since I intend
to write it." - Winston Churchill