A question about dummy load
On 23 nov, 21:42, Roy Lewallen wrote:
When *a *balanced *antenna *is *fed *with coaxial *cable (Fig.1),
the *outside *of *the *shield appears *as an extra, separate
conductor *connected *to the *right side of *the *antenna *at *the
feed point. (page 157. Baluns: What They Do and How They Do It_, in the _ARRL Antenna
Compendium_, Vol. 1, and also athttp://eznec.com/Amateur/Articles/Baluns.pdf.
Fb Roy and thanks (to all) for the explanations.
But... returning to your document, I wonder why a balanced antenna
'see' that third wire, but the dummy load does not recognize that
third conductor. Is it because the common-mode current outside of the
shield has something to do with a kind of RF coupling?