On Nov 22, 9:11*pm, "Jim Hampton" wrote:
"Hoop Dee Doo" wrote in ...
On Nov 22, 12:28 am, Jay in the Mojave wrote:
Hello Jim:
Loud and clear in the Southern California Mojave Desert.
Hope you have a great day.
Jay in the Mojave
Miss Dinah down at the fillin station has gas there for $2.22 a gallon.
Pretty good prices. Amo, warm jackets still pretty steep.
Gas here was $1.56 today
Arrrrgggg! *$1.56? *You sure know how to hurt a guy LOL.
Can't complain. *New York is the land of the taxes and gas is much higher
than that, but coming down rapidly. *The most I paid was $4.49 per gallon
and it is around $2.29 per gallon now. *Much better.
Having fun at my job. *I love playing radio all day and getting paid to do
Well, that was one day. *The rest of the days have been testing and
troubleshooting radios. *Still enjoyable and the gang at work is great. *A
lot of us are veterans - and seems great to hear some of the old terms again
that I haven't heard in a number of years.
73 from Rochester, NY
Yo' Jimbo! How the heck are ya'? Hope all is well with you up in the
great white (any snow, yet?) north and that you had a great turkey
day. I'm on the road for the holidays visiting kin folk here in the
Carolinas and running through the lowland swamps doing a bit of
hunting and fishing. Still waiting for that sunspot cycle to kick in
high gear so we can get back to that long distant DX. Take it ez up
that-a-way and don't be such a stranger.
Waving four fingers and a fat 'ol (retired) thumb your way (you too,
Moparholic) from Dixie! 3s!