On 1 dic, 13:16, Bob Bob wrote:
Hi Wim
I'll admit I am having difficulty visualizing what you are doing with
data tables and was about to suggest using a macro to generate the plot
values until I saw your "no VB" comment.
When you say "data table", is that a pivot table? I have sheets with
calcs based on pivot table outputs that are then used in further pivot
tables. Looks horribly messy but it works. (Noting that the accuracy
problems arent a problem for me due to what I am calculating for)
Cheers Bob W5/VK2YQA
Wimpie wrote:
Does somebody know a solution for this (I do not prefer a VB one)?
Hello to Bob and the other contributors
I used the table function that enters row or column data into a
formula and plot the result under the row or right to the column. I
use the 2 variable version that results in a square with 400 cells. I
add them with the sum function.
The reason for mentioning "
VB not preferred" is because of when I have
to divert to programming, I prefer to abandon Excel (for this
application) and use another environment.
Following this thread and advise from other people, I will abandon
Excel for this Fresnel calculation.
Regarding stability issues, some people also advised me to use the
Unix/Linux program instead of the windows port. So I still have to
do some investigation, as I do not have a machine with Linux on it.
Best regards and thanks for the info,
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