uses for exotic capacitor types?
Dear List,
I am looking for your wisdom and lore regarding uses for some of the
more exotic capacitors found in my junque-box. I have been a ham for a
whole sunspot cycle now. I know what an NP0/C0G capacitor is and when
to use it, I know electrolytics, tantalum, and about the use of
Temperature Compensating capacitors. I have checked the usual places
(books, ARRL TIS, the archives of this list, etc) and none of these
resources tell me several important things: what they look like and
where would I use them in ham homebrew circuits. Here is my list:
1. Blue, really shiny, flat, and small like a disc ceramic.
2. Orange and shiny- definitely not electrolytic or tantalum. Both
bulgy and flattish.
3. Green and shiny- both bulgy and flattish. (I've heard these are
either mylar or polyester film. How do I tell them apart?)
4. Dark orange (maybe brownish?) and bulgy.
5. Yellow rectangular blocks.
6. Labeled "monolithic dip"- what do I use these for?
7. "Mallory DC Film" (250V)- what do I use these for?
8. What's the difference between the following three types of mica
* Dipped silver mica
* Old-style micas (colored dots and physically large rectangular
* Modern, not dipped-silver micas
Thank you VERY much for any input on this matter.
Ross, NS7F