Thanks for the help guys, I now have the set receiving well, the fault
turned out to be something entirely different, but I can say the
suppressor grid of an EF91 works well as a detector, with the tube
wired as a triode, a little noisy as the gentleman said, so the guy
that modified it knew his stuff!!
Anyway thanks again, nice to know there are still glowbug enthusiasts
out there
On 2 Dec, 15:04, (Scott Dorsey) wrote:
In article ,
Edmund H. Ramm wrote:
In ron_ayling writes:
the detector pre amp valve was originally an AR8 which is a
triode plus two diode and this has been replaced with a 6AM6
which is a straight RF Pentode!!!
* And two semiconductor (shudder) diodes weren't sneaked in
below the chassis?
Oh yes, and what about using a 6AV6? *Two diodes, and a triode with plenty
of gain. *It's got 2 pF grid to plate which is annoying, but you can do worse.
"C'est un Nagra. *C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."