I still have a dual power (500/250) model Weller gun that a friend bought
while we were in the Air Force. He took it out of the package and dropped it
on the floor accidentially. A tiny piece of non functional plastic busted
off the top, so he threw it in the trash can (he was having a bad day). I
pulled it out of the trash, plugged it in and showed him that it still
worked fine. I then offered it back to him. He wanted no parts of it. I'm
still using it to this day. That 500 watt heating range actually comes in
handy now and then.
Ed Cregger
"Bryan" wrote in message
raypsi wrote:
Hey OM
What size gun did you has a 240watt?
73 OM
Weller manufactures the following of that type of solder guns:
8200 = 140/100W
D550 = 260/200W
D650 = 300/200W
See http://www.cooperhandtools.com/brands/weller/index.cfm
I have an 8200. They make plain copper and iron-clad copper tips (the
iron-clad tips last longer). The beauty is that, when your only tip goes
open and the local hardware store is closed and you HAVE TO solder
something, 12ga solid copper wire can be formed into a tip. 
vy 73,
Bryan WA7PRC