Final tubes for SR-500
Antonio Vernucci wrote:
The Hallicrafters SR-500 utilizes a pair of Tung-sol 8236s.
The 8236 seems to be identical to the 6DQ5, except for plate dissipation
(50W against 25W) thanks to the use of a carbon plate.
The 8236 seems to be available nowhere.
Any suggestion where to find them?
Tony I0JX
Your best bet is ebay or trawling round the hamfests but like any
special tube they will not be easy to find or cheap, I'm looking for a
8873 for my Heathkit SB230 if anyone has a few going spare ....
If you can't find them you may need to look at converting to something
more readily available. Is there room for a pair of 6LQ6's? if not a
pair of 6146B would be a good choice as they will take a KV and can
still be obtained NOS, the GE 6146W that is sold cheaply on ebay is fine
with 1100V on the anode and 280V on the screen (You will need a small
computer fan to keep them cool)
Steve H