On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 20:36:58 +0100, Antonio Vernucci wrote:
The Hallicrafters SR-500 utilizes a pair of Tung-sol 8236s.
The 8236 seems to be identical to the 6DQ5, except for plate dissipation
(50W against 25W) thanks to the use of a carbon plate.
The 8236 seems to be available nowhere.
Any suggestion where to find them?
Tony I0JX
You didn't look far.
http://www.tubesandmore.com/ has them. Granted,
it's over $80/ea, but "way expensive" is different from "not there".
(I wish I got a kickback from those folks, I really do).
Tim Wescott
Control systems and communications consulting
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