Full Lattice Filter Design
On Dec 20, 7:33*am, "Tio Pedro" wrote:
I'm thinking of using the crystals from a few scrapped
Heath HR-10 receivers (cheap half lattice design) in
a cascaded half-lattice or in a full lattice filter for a
receiver project. I've found tons of info on half-lattice
design, but the full lattice info has been a problem--
anyone have any links to articles in the vintage QSTs?
I have the CDs..
Hola, Pedro,
I could scan sections about full lattice filters from Zverev and from
Van Valkenburg into PDFs, if you're interested. For Van Valkenburg,
it's a whole chapter. It would then be left as a "small exercise" to
go from their math to what you want. I suspect a Spice simulation
would be appropriate.