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Old September 1st 03, 10:48 AM
Rick Frazier
Posts: n/a
Default Disturb noisy neighbours

Well, there are a lot of things you _COULD_ do, but most of them are illegal
and/or immoral. If you are a licensed Ham, there are even more things you could
probably do, some of which would definitely disrupt their little parties, but
again they wouldn't do your self or license much good.

If you don't have a reasonable response from your local law enforcement, you
may have to get a bit creative. Before you do, however, make sure that every
time there is loud and/or vulgar noise after 10:00 pm, call the police. Get
everyone else in your area together and have them call too. Soon, they (the
local police) won't be able to ignore the complaints, and will have to respond
to take care of the problem. After enough calls and enough responses from the
local constabulary, most reasonable people will tone it down....

Of course, there are some people that "can't take a hint" and you may need to
take other steps... like perhaps dropping by the local "biker bar" and putting
a little business card on every bike outside, giving the address of the
objectionable neighbor and offering free beer to all "biker brothers" that come
by... You'd be surprised how this will curb parties for some people. If the
offending neighbor has a real business card, perhaps one could "accidentally"
knock over a bike at the local biker bar, leaving his business card with a
scribbled apology with the offer to pay for damages and giving his home address
to come by for the money.... When the biker and his "buds" arrive, the bad
neighbor may not get the point, but he will surely be distracted enough he may
not want to have any more noisy parties....

There are numerous other things you can do, but the biggest thing is to
distance yourself from the actions so you aren't tagged as the cause of his
new problems...

If all else fails, perhaps reading a series of books penned by someone using
"hayduke" as his pseudonym, titled Getting Even and More Getting Even" (or
something to that effect) will give you some ideas. Beware that many of the
things Hayduke suggests are illegal and could get you in more trouble than
you'd imagine, but it may give you a fresh approach to dealing with your

There are gross, direct ways to take care of a problem, and subtle ways. Which
you choose is up to you, and the risk you are willing to take to rid yourself
of this thorn in your side. For myself, I prefer subtlety and letting the
universe take care of things.... Of course, I've been successful with subtlety
in the past, so of course, I'd think ti would be the best way, but you have to
determine which is best for you...

Good Luck!
-- Rick AH7H

"Géry Duyck" wrote:

We have a little problem in our neighborhood.

Recently some *vulgar* people moved in a couple of houses away from mines.
There 2 family's of them in 2 different houses.

Every evening and night the whole street get to hear some very loud music.
It's hard to get some sleep over here !

We went several times to them to talk, and ask to put the volume down, but
don't wanna listen to us. (with us I mean me and the rest of the
neighborhood ...)
As a matter of fact they only turned it louder...

Calling the police won't help much too, the only thing they said is "go to
ask if they wanna
set there volume down" when I say we already done this they say "go ask

It's really frustrating, and it's driving me bananas !!!

So now I'm looking for some good circuit to disturb there hi-fi equipment!

Maybe somewhere in the low HF (eg 3.5Mhz) so I can "push" the diodes in the
supply in conduction, so he won't hear anything and shut his device off.
This will of course only work if he hasn't got a filter installed.

I also saw some thinges about transmitting static to disturb there devices.

Anyone who got's hint's and tip's for helping me to teach them a lesson are
I know this is maybe not the right way to do this but with some people you
don't have any other choise ...

73 --... ...--
Gery D.