"Harold E. Johnson" wrote:
The switch has two wafers (decks A and B in diagram below), six
positions and rotates 180 degrees. The Heathkit part number is
63-212. The diagram gives significant detail as to the functioning of
the switch:
Thanks again, and happy holidays,
That AR section is a killer, I don't have a wafer with the open circuit
seeking section. But it appears from the schematic that that section is not
You need to look again. That wafer A, rear section is used to short
out the coils for the bands that are not in use. It is a very special
switch, and the basic design was used in multiple brands of low end
signal generators. I built a couple of those in the '70s, and repaired
several others for people who messed them up.
Is this correct? Are you M1OOC or M100C?
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