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September 3rd 03, 01:11 PM
Bob Morein
Posts: n/a
On 3/9/03 20:27, in article
"Watt Sun Watson A.Name -" wrote:
I gotta tell you what happened at work last week. The head of
security came over and told us that someone had complained that one of
our tables was blocking the door (it's a temporary setup). The head
of registration told him that she put it there to keep the students
from leaving. The security guy says, but that's an emergency exit,
see that sign up there?
So she says, oh, ok. Well, then, can we move the sign?
Sounds like when I was going to Drexel - for 12 years!
Robert Morein.
Failed 50 year old loser student.
Failed Temple University
Ejected from Grad program after seven years
Ejected from Drexel University after dissertation judged "bull**** nonsense"
Sued Drexel and Lost
Even took it to the Supreme Court, but they laughed at me!
But I get even with my harassment site.
My poor jew mother Jane Morein died with a broken heart, watching this
poor twisted loser fail at everything I've ever done.
Daddy Sylvan Morein, who studied hard and became a fair to middlin' dentist,
is now stuck at home with his loser son; unwanted by life or any of the
But I've discovered at last my calling: INTERNET WACKO!
Man, am I a Loser!
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