6L6 substitute
JIMMIE wrote:
After years of avoiding morse code I am finally getting into it. the
ideal of operating a very simple transmitter appeals to my junkbox/
trashcan construction mentality.
I am looking for a substitue for a 6L6 that has the plate brought out
the top. I was trying to build a little Glowbug transmitter but was
having all kinds of problems neutralizing the the thing. I think I
would have better luck if I can separate the grid and plate circuits
from each other. I am considering an 807 as a replacement Suggestions
would be appreciated.
To Hijack an old thread...
The way tubes were numbered sometimes....
The 25L6 and 50L6 are NOT 6L6's with different heater voltages.
Actually both of these tubes are IDENTICAL with the 6W6GT except for the
heater ratings.