Seeking advice
Thanks to all replied.
Just a brief history.
In the late 50¡¦s, I cut my teeth on an old RCA Victrola console radio/
phonograph combination. It had 3 bands:
A ¡V special [ police, aircraft, amateur ]
B ¡V standard AM
C ¡V SW [ 9.3 ¡V 15.00 ]
It had a tone and volume control, bandswitch, and that¡¦s about all.
I had a 100¡¦ longwire strung to a backyard tree.
I would spend hours on the floor with my ears ¡¥glued¡¦ to the speaker
and listen to all the different foreign countries. I managed to QSL a
large number of them.
Agreed that the digital readout makes DXing easier, but I enjoy
¡¥digging¡¦ them out [ what¡¦s left of them anyway¡K! ƒº ]