Spin wrote:
Frequency Range (If Possible), 535-1705 Khz. & 1.8-30 Mhz.
I hope you have a big window. :-) This technique works
well at UHF, fairly well at VHF, not well at HF because
of the necessary physical size.
There is a formula for capacitance C between two plates
given in "The ARRL Handbook".
A is the area of the plates in cm.
d is the spacing of the plates in cm.
Er is the dielectric constant of the insulating
material, in this instance glass.
E0 is the permittivity of free space.
C = A(Er)(E0)/d
The capacitive reactance needs to be relatively low,
e.g. -j10 ohms.
That would be a capacitance of about 0.02 uF at 1 MHz.
73, Cecil