On Jan 7, 3:49*pm, m II wrote:
BCBlazysusan wrote:
On Jan 5, 11:57 pm, m II wrote:
Dave wrote:
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do
that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about
American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and
the Americans know it."
- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.
Yeah right, please give the "exact" link from a somewhat reputable
(there aren't many) newspaper where Sharon said that. Why did I simply
NEVER hear that before? I read every major newspaper. As I sit here
and watch the CBS/ABC/NBC news I just shake my head and roll my eyes.
If Israel controls the US then why does the media IMO at "many" times
portray Israel as the "bad guys?" This crap going on over there is
because Hamas simply won't stop. Israel gives them Gaza, boots out
their own people and hands it over for peace. So what happens? Just
like I said it would when they handed it over, that those idiots would
start shooting missiles over into Israel. What started this all over
again? Hamas starting firing missiles over into Israel and when Israel
goes on the offensive all you see on the media is the fathers crying
over their dead kids trying to Make Israel as the bad guys. Here's a
clue Hamas. Stop firing missiles into Israel from school houses and
the general population, they don't care if their own people
die.....the innocent ones.....they want the media to show the
"innocent" lives lost. Another clue, YOU CAN'T WIN shaking my head
get a freeking clue. Israel should simply end this right now and take
over Gaza and say "All the good people exit stage left" and then
simply bomb the entire area till there is no living thing there and
then start over. Israel is worried about the "public perception" and
that is why this crap keeps going on.sigh
The Talmud is a reputable source. It tells me the Romans killed four
BILLION of the Chosen. The ******* Romans, the Good Book goes on to
document, rolled up sixteen MILLION of the Chosen's children in Holy
Scriptures and then set fire to them all.
Me? I have to believe that. It's well known that The Talmud is a
superior authority to the Bible.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
(OT) : PONG Mike [M II] Preaching That Hate For Jews Again
I See That You Are Preaching That Hate For Jews Again
oh canada where art thou ~ RHF