want circuit/schematic for CB "jammer"
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September 6th 03, 12:11 AM
Paul Burridge
Posts: n/a
On 05 Sep 2003 18:54:17 GMT,
(Limitedselection) wrote:
From: "Caveat Lector"
Further should you radiate a very low level signal -- when the 29MHz band
has good nproagation -- you will send even a low level milliwatt signal for
hundreds of miles via "skywave" (skip if you will)
Caveat Lector,
Someone else posted about skywave - I was unaware.
I wouldn't be worried about thelegal issues if skywave was not an issue. But
unfortunately it looks like with skywave any signal no matter how small can be
heard world-wide.
Indeed. There are amateurs that compete to contact every country in
the world on just one Watt or less, believe it or not. Radio is a most
amazingly efficient form of communication. There are differences,
however, between the CB frequencies, which are relatively low, and the
higher ones. CB frequency transmissions, even at very low power, can
go world-wide very readily during and around sunspot maxima. There's
much more to it than an outsider might imagine.
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