On Jan 11, 6:26*pm, Cecil Moore wrote:
Art Unwin wrote:
The books state that a photon is a particle without mass.
Photons have no *rest* mass but since they must necessarily
move at the speed of light in a medium, they indeed do have
mass because of their momentum. The mass of a photon is
equal to Planck's constant divided by (the product of the
speed of light times the wavelength), i.e. m=h/(c*lamda).
The photon as a particle cannot be a wave since its extremities cannot
be determines as with a particle.
On the contrary, double slit experiments prove that a single
photon can go through both slits and interfere with itself on
the other side. If you design a test to prove a photon is a
wave, it will respond like a wave (even if it is a single photon).
If you design a test to prove a photon is a particle, it will
respond like a particle. The duality is related to the
uncertainty principle.
The main point is that the physical manifestation of RF
electromagnetic fields are clouds of photons. The fields and
the photons are the same thing. Those EM fields have been proven
to be quantized. Photons are the particles that quantize the EM
73, Cecil *http://www.w5dxp.com
I would have no problem of accepting the presence of photons but the
link you gave me stated
that it had zero mass. I really don't understand that so I am not
willing to spend a lot of time on that or muons which are painted with
the same brush I sure as heck not willing to follow the line on
reflections that you followed as I would cringe from having to deal
with threads of more than a thousand to get the same results you
achieved. By the time Neutrinos arrive on the Earth are particles tho
possibly by a different name and I am also wary of allegations of
fresh particles which require a fresh name where its presence is
determined by unlinked deduction.
I really don't want to spread out beyond the point that I have as it
is apparent that hams are resistive to change so frankly I am at a
place where I am willing to stop my investigation as Americans have
lost the ingenuity they once had together with curiousity which is the
foundation of improving the living standards of the family. Waiting
for the third world to catch up so that competition is somewhat even
could actualy reverse our present station among the world population
which is only sustained by attracting the best from foreign countries
without which we now cannot function. Any way my present aproach to
radiation has not yet been overturned, so arguments are purely for the
archives where self perceived antenna experts will be hung on their
own petards for all to see which is one of my aims because of their
passed conduct with truly good men
Best regards
Art Unwin....KB98MZ....xg (uk)