"Michael Coslo" wrote in message
Ed Cregger wrote:
That has been on my mind also. We do having a significant slowing of the
current known as the Atlantic Conveyor over the last several years. That
does not bode well for Europe/England just by itself.
I was looking forward to one more active sunspot cycle before I died (I'm
a six meter fan), but it doesn't appear that we are going to have one, if
present trends continue.
Of course, just when you think you have Mother Nature all figured out -
she comes out of left field with some new phenomenon that catches us by
surprise. For instance, the Yellowstone super caldera. If that were to
erupt, it would mean an Ice Age for sure. Or would it?
Anyone keeping tabs on the earthquake activity in Yellowstone?
- 73 de Mike N3LI -
Somewhat. That would definitely bring on an Ice Age, should it have a full
scale eruption. Never a boring moment.