On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 13:22:10 -0800, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 07:37:34 -0600, Cecil Moore
There were very few sunspots during the last "Little Ice Age" from about
1645 to 1715. Might we be entering another one?
Just one of many predictions for the demise of civilization:
Personally, I think a random asteroid impact, will trigger mass
retaliation by a paranoid military, guessing that it's a missile attack.
The explosions will cause one of several super volcanoes to erupt,
resulting in global famine and precipitate another ice age. the
resultant earthquakes will precipitate tsunami's, pandemics, and 3rd
party politics. After a few thousand years for the planet to recover,
the dinosaurs will return, take over, and devour the survivors. The
date of this event is probably one of the following:
http://www.bible.ca/pre-date-setters.htm 2012 seems to be the
consensus. Please mark your calendar.
We should be so lucky...