Subject: want circuit/schematic for CB "jammer"
From: donut
(Limitedselection) wrote in
I wouldn't be worried about thelegal issues if skywave was not an
issue. But unfortunately it looks like with skywave any signal no
matter how small can be heard world-wide.
This is ridiculous. Try talking skip even on a car CB putting out legal
power. It ain't gonna happen.
Beside, the solar cycle is on it's downward spiral, and skip openings on 29
MHz are going to become few and far between and the cycle deepens.
If your local CBer is primarily a "skip" talker, that in itself might take
him out.
Thanks for the info.
I am just looking for a low power, low cost (cheap) and disposable cb jammer
A lot of amatuer radio operators and RF engineers are telling me that such a
device could wreak havoc world-wide even though it would be mere mw in power.
According to them 'skywaves' would allow the jammer to reach the entire planet
and jam communications world-wide.
I certainly don't want to jam world-wide communications, so unless someone has
a 'safe' schematic I am out of luck I guess.
Thanks again donut!