In article , Dave wrote:
Harold E. Johnson wrote:
"Dave" wrote in message
Harold E. Johnson wrote:
Looking for just the TC201 soldering iron that goes with their TC202
station. Actually, if I could just find out what the two IC's are that
house numbered, I could likely repair the one I have.
Do yourself a favor:
Fixing a Weller is good money after bad.
Dave, I'm 82 years old, have been a homebrewer for over 65 of them, and
possibly have melted more solder than you weigh. I have had employees and
myself using Weller products for at least 50 years and could really get
along without your sage advise. Now if you have a spare TC201 around, name
your price.
I work in a laboratory. We have Wellers and Xytronics (which use Hakko
heating elements and are quite similar). Nobody uses the Wellers if
they can help it. The Xytronics are much lighter and easier to maneuver.
Now I'll look for a loose handle...
I have some of each. One Xytronic over 15 years old. But, after
using a Weller thin pencil all others are like holding baseball bats. I like this 80 watt Weller